New procedures in place for British citizens applying for Spanish residency

The new procedures came into place on 6 July and set out the process to apply for and obtain a new TIE (Tarjeta de Identificacion Extranjeros) residency card. Below we set out the different procedures and scenarios for British applicants who already have residency and those who will be new applicants.
British citizens who already have residency cards
- A British citizen with a residency card of less than 5 years
You can apply for the new residency card personally by appointment only at any designated police station that deals with residency applications in the province where you reside. The residency card that will be issued will have a duration of 5 years and after this period, it should be renewed. - A British citizen with a residency card of more than 5 years
A British citizen who has spent more than 5 years residing in Spain but does not yet have a permanent residency card can apply personally by appointment only at any designated police stations that handles residency applications. Once the duration of your residency has been verified, the new residency card will be issued. This card will be valid for a period of 10 years and it will state “permanent” on it. - A British citizen with a permanent residency card
A British citizen can apply for the new card at any designated police station that deals with residency applications in the province where they reside, by appointment only. This residency card will be valid for a period of 10 years and is renewable once it has expired. Collection of the new TIE (Tarjeta de Identificacion Extranjeros) residency card will be notified by email within a month. An appointment is required to collect it.
British citizens’ new applications for Spanish residency
- New applications can be submitted electronically by an authorised legal representative. If submitted electronically, the applicant or their legal representative must have a digital certificate. Or, new applications can be presented in person at the Foreigners Office in the province where the applicant resides or intends to reside. If the application is submitted in person they can be accompanied by their legal representative who would receive notification of the approval. Within a month of the date of the approval, the applicant must arrange an appointment at any designated police station that deals with residency applications in the province where they reside, to apply for the new TIE residency card. The TIE card will not be issued on the day of your appointment. Collection of the TIE residency card will be notified by email within a month. An appointment is required to collect it.
- Family members of British citizens who already have residency
The family member of a British citizen with an existing Spanish residency card of more or less than 5 years, can personally apply for and be issued with a Spanish residency card in any designated police station that handles residency applications in the province where they reside. This is by appointment only and a new TIE card will also be issued to the family members. The TIE card will not be issued on the day of the appointment. Collection of the TIE residency card will be notified by email within a month. An appointment is required to collect it. - Family members of British citizens without a residency card
Applications for the TIE card can be applied for in person or via a legal representative at any designated police station that deals with residency applications in the province where the applicant resides, by appointment only. Approval of the application will be notified electronically to the applicant or their accompanying legal representative. Within a month of the date of the approval, the applicant must arrange an appointment at any designated police station that deals with residency applications in the province where they reside, to apply for the new TIE residency card. The TIE card will not be issued on the day of your appointment. Collection of the TIE (Tarjeta de Identificacion Extranjeros) residency card will be notified by email within a month. An appointment is required to collect it. All British citizens and their family members who arrive in Spain after 1 January 2021 and who cannot prove prior residency in Spain, will have to apply for residency as a non-EU Citizen. Negotiations between the UK & EU as to residency requirements from 1 January 2021 onwards are still ongoing and we will update you when we have some more news.