New Supreme court ruling for temporary Spanish residency

New Supreme Court ruling means you can renew your Non Lucrative Visa, even if you have spent less than 180 days in Spain. This means renewals for temporary residence authorisations are no longer affected by absences from Spain for more than 180 days a year.
This means renewals for temporary residence authorisations are no longer affected by absences from Spain for more than 180 days a year.
This is positive news for those considering applying for the non lucrative visa who do not wish to spend 180 days a year in Spain. Absences from Spain will not affect the authorisation to renew for the 2 year renewal periods under the non lucrative visa.
Prior to the ruling, to qualify for the 2 year renewals you could not be absent from Spain for more than 180 days per year. However, the legislation remains unchanged for the 5 year renewal which is considered permanent residency and states you must have:-
“consistently resided in Spain during the last 5 years, although it will not be affected by absences of up to six continuous months provided it does not exceed a total of 10 months within the five year period unless departures have been carried out irregularly”.
Contact our dedicated Visa team for help and assistance with your Visa applications for Spain